Ridley Turtles

From $89.00


Very glad to present you this new project together with PRO tortugas Isla Damas, Costa Rica.

When I was living in Costa Rica, I met Milo, a really nice man in charge of his own project with the goal to protect the turtles that nest on the beach from the furtive egg poachers and natural predators. In many coastal areas from Costa Rica, people still eat turtle eggs as a source of protein (which is allowed), unfortunately business can get out of control, endangering the species. Milo takes care of them by relocating the eggs to a safe area.

As an oceanographer I know that not all the turtles that hatch are able to make it to the ocean because of several reasons so I asked Milo to save me one that might die during the process. After 9 months one turtle was born sick and didn’t make it to the ocean which brought me the opportunity to print it. Milo will keep the original one as gift , and he will be able to sell reproductions, stickers and t-shirts with that particular design in order to rise money to keep doing what he does.

Have in mind the turtle was a newborn, measuring around 7 cm or 2 inches, that’s why there’s only 2 print dimensions available.

Additional information

Print Size

10×8 inches, 15×12 inches


Artist Canvas, Artist Matte Paper


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